I love clothes, so I am very excited to tell you about this. It's too bad I didn't prepare and wear my favorite outfit. :(
But anyway....I'm wearing...
-a brown Wonder Tee from Down East. I LOVE these things. They are a modest girl's dream.
-a long-sleeved shirt that I bought at Buckle about 3 years ago. It's cream and has a cool, sparkly design on it. It doesn't look very old because I take good care of my clothes.
-my least favorite pair of jeans. They're just BKE Culture, again from Buckle. Honestly, I don't like BKE jeans. They stretch out too much, and in weird places. I bought these a few months ago.
-some Rocket Dog shoes, again from Buckle. Lance got me them for Christmas last year (2009).
-my wedding ring. I got it just over four years ago, and I still love it today as much as I did then. :-) Oh, and I still love the man, too. ;-)
-some earrings that Lance bought for me before we were married. I can't remember when, but it was a looooong time ago (at least 6 years ago). They are just fake diamond earrings, with silver posts.
-a Tiffany's necklace that I got for a STEAL of a deal. Check this store out. I'm wearing this one. I absolutely love it. It's kinda heavy!
-a barrette thingy from claires. It's sparkly. What's not to like?
-oh, and some fake nails made by Broadway nails. I have a new found love for press on nails. They look adorable, they are cheap, and they don't ruin your real nail underneath. That being said, my real nails are crappy anyway, so ruining them doesn't matter to me, this is just cheaper than getting my nails done every two weeks.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
My Beliefs
To be honest, I'm really nervous to write about this. I mean, I have beliefs, but sharing them... that's another story. I rarely bare my testimony to anyone, let alone post it here for anyone to read. But, here goes...
- I believe that families can be together for all eternity. That is the most important thing to me.
- I believe that Jesus Christ was born and grew up on the earth, and started his church. I also believe that Joseph Smith restored it. The church I go to today practices and believes that same things that it did when Jesus was here.
- I have felt the difference between the spirit of Christ, and the spirit of the devil, and I strive to live in a way that I never again feel any spirit other than the spirit of Christ.
- I believe that the natural man is an enemy to God (That's in the scriptures, but I don't have them near me to give you the exact reference.). Anyone who tells you different is full of it. If I'm not working hard at living the gospel, I'm a natural man, and I'm an enemy to God. This scripture would also explain my beliefs on homosexuality. I believe same-sex tendency is a trial given to some, just how some people struggle with alcohol, anger management, morality, etc. If we let our "natural man" take over, we will give in to those temptations every time. We were all given our own weaknesses and trials to overcome.
- I believe no one, but Christ, has been or ever will be perfect. I believe in the Atonement. I am thankful for it. I know that through the atonement, everyone can be saved, if we repent.
- I believe that children are perfect (even though I JUST said no one is perfect...), and can teach us a lot. By perfect, I mean, they are not held accountable for their sins. Children teach me to be patient, humble, kind, friendly, and honest. Basically... the same things Jesus taught.
Friday, January 28, 2011
A Moment
I'm not sure if this blog post is supposed to be profound, but, as I have mentioned in previous posts, I am not a profound person.
Or maybe I am a profound person, but I feel the way to truly be profound is to use big words and go deep into your inner emotions and tell about epiphanies you've had.
I'm much too shy to share my deepest thoughts.
So, the moment that I want to talk about, is the instant I see the skyline of Las Vegas, Nevada, after driving all day.
Yeup, Las Vegas. A city of filth, sin, crime, gambling, prostitution, kidnapping, theft, murder and many other unthinkable crimes.
Las Vegas is my favorite place to go for a weekend getaway. This may be due to my aunts Leslie, Annette and Melody having all lived there for a time, and my family would often go there to visit them. Family vacations are the best! Those are some of my best memories.
But, Las Vegas. We are driving nonstop (When it's just Lance and me, we don't stop, at all, unless we really need something.) for 5.5 sometimes 6 hours. It's a long and boring drive. The last 50 miles are the worst. That long stretch between Mesquite, NV and Las Vegas, NV feels like it will never, ever, ever, end. And then, we see it...peeking around the corner like little glittering stars on the ground. I get excited butterflies in my stomach. The glittering lights grow and grow and grow, until we see that the entire valley floor is covered in glittering lights.
That's one of my favorite moments. I get butterflies just looking at pictures of the Las Vegas skyline.
I couldn't find any pictures that were as far away as I'd like, but this one is pretty good.
Or maybe I am a profound person, but I feel the way to truly be profound is to use big words and go deep into your inner emotions and tell about epiphanies you've had.
I'm much too shy to share my deepest thoughts.
So, the moment that I want to talk about, is the instant I see the skyline of Las Vegas, Nevada, after driving all day.
Yeup, Las Vegas. A city of filth, sin, crime, gambling, prostitution, kidnapping, theft, murder and many other unthinkable crimes.
Las Vegas is my favorite place to go for a weekend getaway. This may be due to my aunts Leslie, Annette and Melody having all lived there for a time, and my family would often go there to visit them. Family vacations are the best! Those are some of my best memories.
But, Las Vegas. We are driving nonstop (When it's just Lance and me, we don't stop, at all, unless we really need something.) for 5.5 sometimes 6 hours. It's a long and boring drive. The last 50 miles are the worst. That long stretch between Mesquite, NV and Las Vegas, NV feels like it will never, ever, ever, end. And then, we see it...peeking around the corner like little glittering stars on the ground. I get excited butterflies in my stomach. The glittering lights grow and grow and grow, until we see that the entire valley floor is covered in glittering lights.
That's one of my favorite moments. I get butterflies just looking at pictures of the Las Vegas skyline.
I couldn't find any pictures that were as far away as I'd like, but this one is pretty good.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My Best Friend
This is Sierra, she is awesome. We couldn't be more opposite in our lives and interests. So why are we friends?
Ok, I lied. We're both addicted to Dr. Pepper. I, however, am on my 5th day of no Dr. Pepper. This is a big deal, since I averaged 20oz. a day before.
I've known Sierra ever since I moved to Pleasant Grove when I was 12. I met her when I was at a hard time in my life. I had just left my friends that I "grew up" with. I felt like the world was over. I felt like I was alone. I'm actually not sure exactly how I met her. I remember that it was in French class in 7th grade. I sat by the text books, and she would walk by each day to get a book. I was kind of dorky and would randomly say, "Hi!" to people I didn't know. She was my lucky victim one day. She looked at me like I was crazy. I don't blame her. I was crazy.
I don't remember if I asked her what her name was... but, I do remember not ever remembering her name. One day, after telling her I couldn't remember her name, she told me, "You can just call me Sir Andrew." LOL. What the crap? Later I found out she was in the drama class and she was playing the part of Sir Andrew in some play or something. But at the time I thought she was crazy.
Crazy and crazy go well together!
But how do you go from that yeah-we're-friends-but-only-at-school stage, to actually hanging out, outside of school? Well, we both got invited to a mutual friends' birthday party. I didn't really know anyone but Sierra at the party, and I just talked to her all night. Besties ever since.
My favorite thing about Sierra is that she isn't afraid to tell me how it is. If I'm annoying her, she will tell me. If I'm being dramatic, she will tell me. If she's upset with me, she will tell me. If I've done something she appreciates, she will tell me. If she misses me, she will tell me. We communicate very well with each other. Anything she can say to me, I can say to her as well. Believe me, we've had our fair share of arguments., including unresolved arguments. We just simply have different opinions on life and religion. But, I don't mind. She is straight up with me, and I appreciate it. There is no guessing what her emotions or thoughts are, because she tells you.
I would give examples of how we are opposite, but I'd rather not. So, just trust me. We took completely different life paths, but somehow we always take the time to hang out and catch up. When I feel like everyone is lying to me, I can turn to Sierra to find some truth. I'll always appreciate her, and I'll never forget how she's always been there for me when I've needed her the most.
She's getting married this year! Squeeeee!!!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
My Day, sorta
Today is the first day of the weight loss competition. I do not exercise on Sundays, therefore, today will just be a day of planning my new diet and my strategy to win!
Last night we bought a scale. I weigh 7 pounds less than I thought I did, therefore instead of my goal to be to lose 15 pounds, it is now to lose 10 lbs. I do not think it is going to be easy.
Insanity, round three, starts tomorrow at 5:45 am.
I have church today, and I need to go do my hair and makeup. My teaching companion and I take turns teaching, and it is my turn today. The lesson is on Joseph Smith's childhood. It's a whooooole lot of talking and not a lot of playing, so I came up with some games we can play during the lesson so they don't get bored. Four year olds don't have a long attention span.
Layla is whining right now because she misses Bentley. Bentley went on a ride with daddy.
I watched Hoarders last night and it made me want to deep clean my house and take out all the trash.
That is all.
Last night we bought a scale. I weigh 7 pounds less than I thought I did, therefore instead of my goal to be to lose 15 pounds, it is now to lose 10 lbs. I do not think it is going to be easy.
Insanity, round three, starts tomorrow at 5:45 am.
I have church today, and I need to go do my hair and makeup. My teaching companion and I take turns teaching, and it is my turn today. The lesson is on Joseph Smith's childhood. It's a whooooole lot of talking and not a lot of playing, so I came up with some games we can play during the lesson so they don't get bored. Four year olds don't have a long attention span.
Layla is whining right now because she misses Bentley. Bentley went on a ride with daddy.
I watched Hoarders last night and it made me want to deep clean my house and take out all the trash.
That is all.
Friday, January 21, 2011
My Definition of Love
Honestly, I'm not a writer. I don't describe things very well, therefore I do not define things very well.
When I first fell in love with Lance, I knew I was in love with him because....
I wanted to spend all of my time with him.
I could tell him anything and talk to him about anything.
He made me feel appreciated.
We understood each other.
The way I know I'm still in love with him is....
It makes me sick to my stomach to think about not being with him, not having him around, not hearing his voice, not hearing his laugh.
I know what he is going to do and how he is going to act before he does it.
Dictionary.com says the opposite of love is hate.
I disagree. I think the opposite of love is not caring, indifference.
When I first fell in love with Lance, I knew I was in love with him because....
I wanted to spend all of my time with him.
I could tell him anything and talk to him about anything.
He made me feel appreciated.
We understood each other.
The way I know I'm still in love with him is....
It makes me sick to my stomach to think about not being with him, not having him around, not hearing his voice, not hearing his laugh.
I know what he is going to do and how he is going to act before he does it.
Dictionary.com says the opposite of love is hate.
I disagree. I think the opposite of love is not caring, indifference.
What I Ate Today
Today isn't over. But I had Panda Express for lunch and I didn't eat breakfast.
I'm starting a weight loss competition on Sunday, so I'm trying to cram in as much junk food as I can between now and then. I'll be dieting for two months! Also, I am starting up Insanity again. My goal is to lose 15 lbs.
I'm starting a weight loss competition on Sunday, so I'm trying to cram in as much junk food as I can between now and then. I'll be dieting for two months! Also, I am starting up Insanity again. My goal is to lose 15 lbs.
My Parents
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Stuck in the Past
Is it just me... or do you also remember people as being certain ages, and they will forever be that age in your mind?
Eric, 14:
He was very sweet, and very good with words. He was friends with everyone, and I always wanted to be cool like he was. He had floofy hair, and loved to snuggle with Emilee in this blue chair we used to have.
Jared, 10:
He was always, always, always outside and always sunburned. He was an extremely hard worker and always did his best to please my mom and dad. He and I liked to play silly games on the trampoline, such as "wrestling" where we would make up fake names and bounce each other. Jared's was "Jeremy-Jared" and mine was "Molly-Masher".
Elise, 4:
She had a sweet little voice and loved to play with the kitties. She was always dirty from playing in the mud, and her clothes were always ragged. Her hair was always messed up. She had a mullet (thanks mom!).
Emilee, 3:
She had the blondest, longest hair of any of my siblings. She had the sweetest little voice. She loved to sing and perform, and she was a big cheese for the camera. She always carried around a silky blanket and sucked her index and middle fingers. She was always happy and could make anyone smile.
Jessica, 3:
She was always making messes and getting in to stuff. Her hair was always scraggly. She liked to make silly faces. She would often make the face above and say, "I see twooooo of yooooou!" She's always been a little fire cracker.
Eric, 14:

Jared, 10:
He was always, always, always outside and always sunburned. He was an extremely hard worker and always did his best to please my mom and dad. He and I liked to play silly games on the trampoline, such as "wrestling" where we would make up fake names and bounce each other. Jared's was "Jeremy-Jared" and mine was "Molly-Masher".
Elise, 4:
She had a sweet little voice and loved to play with the kitties. She was always dirty from playing in the mud, and her clothes were always ragged. Her hair was always messed up. She had a mullet (thanks mom!).
Emilee, 3:
She had the blondest, longest hair of any of my siblings. She had the sweetest little voice. She loved to sing and perform, and she was a big cheese for the camera. She always carried around a silky blanket and sucked her index and middle fingers. She was always happy and could make anyone smile.
Jessica, 3:
She was always making messes and getting in to stuff. Her hair was always scraggly. She liked to make silly faces. She would often make the face above and say, "I see twooooo of yooooou!" She's always been a little fire cracker.
Mon Premier Amour
It's not what you'd think.
I was born in American Fork, UT, yes, but my earliest memories are of this town:

I lived in Ridgecrect, CA until I was 5 years old. We had a town home in a little cul-de-sac called Lilac Square. I saw the exact place on Google maps, and it made me feel very nostalgic.
Nostalgia is something that you, yourself can feel, but no one else really understands or cares to understand the feeling. They can say, "That's cool!" but they will never understand the deep, emotional connection you have to that thing or place.
Anyway, my grandparents lived in a little town called Inyokern, which was about 10 miles from Ridgecrest.
I swear we went there every weekend. They owned a lot of land out there, which they filled with coral-surrounded horses, donkeys and goats. They had ducks and chickens, and they had a garden. Actually, I think they had a couple of gardens.
In their back yard they had a HUGE grape vine.
I could spend all day out there eating grapes fresh off the vine. They also had olive trees and pomegranate trees. I'm sure this is where my love of pomegranates came from as well.
So there you have it, my first love:
I was born in American Fork, UT, yes, but my earliest memories are of this town:

I lived in Ridgecrect, CA until I was 5 years old. We had a town home in a little cul-de-sac called Lilac Square. I saw the exact place on Google maps, and it made me feel very nostalgic.
Nostalgia is something that you, yourself can feel, but no one else really understands or cares to understand the feeling. They can say, "That's cool!" but they will never understand the deep, emotional connection you have to that thing or place.
Anyway, my grandparents lived in a little town called Inyokern, which was about 10 miles from Ridgecrest.
I swear we went there every weekend. They owned a lot of land out there, which they filled with coral-surrounded horses, donkeys and goats. They had ducks and chickens, and they had a garden. Actually, I think they had a couple of gardens.
In their back yard they had a HUGE grape vine.
I could spend all day out there eating grapes fresh off the vine. They also had olive trees and pomegranate trees. I'm sure this is where my love of pomegranates came from as well.
So there you have it, my first love:
Monday, January 10, 2011
My name is Jennifer Renee Keele Peterson. I am LDS. I am 22 years old. I was born April 14, 1988 in American Fork, Utah. I married the love of my life/high school sweetheart, Lance Peterson, on July 7, 2007 in the South Jordan temple, after dating on and off for 5 years.
Those are the facts. Anything else I tell you, may or may not be true.
I crack myself up.
I get self conscious when no one laughs at what I think is funny.
I'm very concerned about what others think of me, but I'm learning to care less and less as I get older.
I prefer wearing heels over any other kind of shoe.
I'm self conscious about my nose.
I've had my hair every color of the rainbow, and more.
I love dancing.
I was on my high school's ballroom team.
I love my family.
I *must* have my toenails painted at all times.
I'm left-handed.
I teach the 4-5 year olds in Primary, and I love it. They teach me much more than I could ever teach them.
I want to live in Salt Lake City. Well, I'd really like to live somewhere warmer, such as Henderson, NV or Cape Coral, FL, but... I'm trying to be more realistic.
I love Utah Jazz basketball. I'd say I know more about them than most girls.
I want a Range Rover.
I'm trying (again) to overcome my addiction to Dr. Pepper.
I've always wanted to go to hair school.
That's me!
My name is Jennifer Renee Keele Peterson. I am LDS. I am 22 years old. I was born April 14, 1988 in American Fork, Utah. I married the love of my life/high school sweetheart, Lance Peterson, on July 7, 2007 in the South Jordan temple, after dating on and off for 5 years.
Those are the facts. Anything else I tell you, may or may not be true.
I crack myself up.
I get self conscious when no one laughs at what I think is funny.
I'm very concerned about what others think of me, but I'm learning to care less and less as I get older.
Don't tell me to have kids or I'll be upset with you. I'll have them when God tells me it's time.
I'm lazy. I hate doing dishes and laundry and would gladly pay someone a good sum of money to do it for me, if Lance would let me.
Sierra is my other best friend.
I have a cat and I hate her.
I collect designer jeans, and I need to stop.I have a cat and I hate her.
I prefer wearing heels over any other kind of shoe.
I'm self conscious about my nose.
I've had my hair every color of the rainbow, and more.
I love dancing.
I was on my high school's ballroom team.
I love my family.
I *must* have my toenails painted at all times.
I'm left-handed.
I teach the 4-5 year olds in Primary, and I love it. They teach me much more than I could ever teach them.
I want to live in Salt Lake City. Well, I'd really like to live somewhere warmer, such as Henderson, NV or Cape Coral, FL, but... I'm trying to be more realistic.
I love Utah Jazz basketball. I'd say I know more about them than most girls.
I want a Range Rover.
I'm trying (again) to overcome my addiction to Dr. Pepper.
I've always wanted to go to hair school.
That's me!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Stolen Idea!
I haven't been updating much because I don't know what to talk about. So I love this idea! Thanks Emilee!
Day 01 – Introduce yourself with pictures and words
Day 02 – Your first love
Day 03 – Your parents
Day 04 – What you ate today
Day 05 – Your definition of love
Day 06 – Your day
Day 07 – Your best friend
Day 08 – A moment
Day 09 – Your beliefs
Day 10 – What you wore today
Day 11 – Your siblings
Day 12 – What’s in your bag
Day 13 – This week
Day 14 – What you wore today
Day 15 – Your dreams
Day 16 – Your first kiss
Day 17 – Your favorite memory
Day 18 – Your favorite birthday
Day 19 – Something you regret
Day 20 – This month
Day 21 – Another moment
Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 – Something that makes you cry
Day 25 – A first
Day 26 – Your fears
Day 27 – Your favorite place
Day 28 – Something that you miss
Day 29 – Your aspirations
Day 30 – One last moment
Day 01 – Introduce yourself with pictures and words
Day 02 – Your first love
Day 03 – Your parents
Day 04 – What you ate today
Day 05 – Your definition of love
Day 06 – Your day
Day 07 – Your best friend
Day 08 – A moment
Day 09 – Your beliefs
Day 10 – What you wore today
Day 11 – Your siblings
Day 12 – What’s in your bag
Day 13 – This week
Day 14 – What you wore today
Day 15 – Your dreams
Day 16 – Your first kiss
Day 17 – Your favorite memory
Day 18 – Your favorite birthday
Day 19 – Something you regret
Day 20 – This month
Day 21 – Another moment
Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 – Something that makes you cry
Day 25 – A first
Day 26 – Your fears
Day 27 – Your favorite place
Day 28 – Something that you miss
Day 29 – Your aspirations
Day 30 – One last moment
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