Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dear Sierra Blogs - JenJo MySpace Blog

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You’re my best friend, and I care about you more than I think you realize.
You’ve been really depressed and down on yourself.  I feel really bad, and I don’t really know how to help.  But the things I have tried to do to help you seem to just be taken for granted, and/or not really cared about.  I don’t know if you just want attention, or if you really don’t want my help.  I’m getting the feeling that you want to be depressed, and I get that idea because you’re not really doing anything to really help yourself.
When you first talked to me, yes I was at work and I couldn’t give you 100% of my attention, but the ideas I gave you, you just shot down.  Instead of being willing to give it a try, you don’t think they’ll work.  Well how can you know without trying?
I invited you over the other night, and instead of saying "thanks for the invite" you said "now you tell me" and that you were going to a movie.  It’s as if you expect me to invite you to things...  but I don’t see you inviting me to anything.  Sure I live 20 miles away, but we both have cars.  All you have to do is pick up the least 20 minutes in advance.  I’ll admit, I do need to get better at this too...
So I’m out of ideas, so all I can do now is sit back and wait for you to be my friend again.  Yeah, you’re probably a little offended at that, right?  You think your friends abandoned you, right?  Well look again.  ’Cause I’m still here.
Love, Jenn

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