Saturday, July 23, 2011

Facebook Rant

I finally finished 1 Nephi last week.  I'm proud of myself.  I read in the car to and from work, so I get in about 4-5 chapters each day.  Then on the weekends I fail.  But, I'm sticking to it better than I ever have in my life.

I noticed that several times Nephi states that he only writes things of importance.  I wonder if that was hard for him.  I wonder if he ever wanted to complain about something.

I also wish people would post to Facebook things of importance.  Can you imagine how awesome that would be?  No more people trying to be the first to post about a story.  No more people posting multiple times per day. No more stupid posts!

Can you tell I'm sick of Facebook?  I am.  I'm over it.  I'm going on strike.

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing. Five chapters a day?

    I wish people would just stop using facebook to vent. They should only post important things...and funny things. (:
