Sunday, July 7, 2013


I've had a busy couple of weeks, and I'd like to write about them, but I feel the need to write about something else right now.
I've been reading the Book of Mormon and I'm in Alma. Alma 34:33-35 talks about not procrastinating repentance. This life is the time we need to prepare to meet God.
I know this is true. I procrastinated repentance for nearly 10 years. I was stubborn, I was in denial. I told myself I'll repent when I'm old or even in the next life. That is not ok! My testimony is far behind what it could be had I repented sooner. Blessings I could have enjoyed all this time have been withheld.
I took so long to repent because I feared man more than I feared God. I worried too much about what my family would think, what my parents would think, and what my friends and neighbors would think. One day I realized that while I've lied to myself and everyone around me, I could never hide from or lie to God. And His opinion of me matters more than anyone else's.
When we decided to move to North Carolina I had the thought that I'm going to be surrounded by people of other faiths and I need to be firm in my own beliefs. Did I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true? Yes. Did I act like it and live it? No. So I changed that very day, right then and there. I was semi-inactive (only went to Sacrament once a month to pay tithing), so I started going to all 3 meetings every Sunday I possibly could. I started saying personal prayers, something I've always struggled with, and quite frankly was afraid to do. I started reading the scriptures. This path led me to my bishop, who has helped me with the rest.
I'm not done with my journey. I never will be. The path of a sinner is a long difficult one. One who is righteous need only walk a block to gain a testimony, while the sinner has to jog a mile for the same testimony. However, I wouldn't change the decision I made to finally fully repent. I'm finally back on the right path. I'm finally able to let go of past grudges. I'm finally digging out of this deep hole I've made. I'm finally becoming the person I've pretended to be for years.
I'm grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and the gift he gave me, the atonement, so that I can change. I can be forgiven. I can be in the Celestial Kingdom with him and my Father forever.

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