Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Moving... Again.

God answers prayers.

He may not give you exactly the answer you want or when you want it, but His answer will always be exactly what you need, and it will be given when you need it.

The past year of my life has proven this to me, time and time again. And I find it funny that I still panic when things aren't going my way.

My little family did not get the beautiful condo I had my heart set on.

I cried. I was angry. I questioned why.

I was texting my sister, Emilee, and she said simply, "God will provide."

Emilee is wise.

We were scrambling around trying to figure out where were were going to live and what we were going to do.  It seemed impossible.  All apartment complexes are booked two to three months out.  As in, if you call them asking about an apartment, they tell you they will have an opening in September or October.

Considering that we had to be out of our current place by July 30th, that wasn't going to work.

I wasn't feeling hopeful about trying to rent a private residence again, since we had such a horrible experience with the previous one.

I prayed about staying where we are, and felt literally sick to my stomach. I got up from the prayer and was dizzy and had nausea.  I went to the front office at the complex here anyway, and asked about staying in our current apartment.  At least that gave me some peace, knowing we could stay here if it came to it. But it didn't really give me peace, because the feelings that we're supposed to leave were very strong.

I was ready to give up and just stay here anyway.

Such conflicting feelings!

Lance wasn't convinced. He said we should give it a week.

I told him, "Well, I'm overwhelmed, and I don't want to look for places anymore. Nothing is working out.  If you look for places, I will call them. Is that fair?"

He agreed.

A couple days later, Lance was trying to get up for work at his usual 5:00am, but he was feeling really sick.  So he called sick into work and went back to bed.  He got up 5 hours later, and was feeling much better.  He got on the computer to look for places to live and found an ad from an apartment complex that had been posted an hour earlier.  He gave them a call, and one thing led to another and that's where we are going to be living.

It's not exactly what I want, but it is exactly what we need.  It has 3 bedrooms. It has 2 bathrooms, one of which is NOT included through the bedroom (a big issue I have with our current place). It has slightly more counter space in the kitchen, but a lot more cupboard space. It has a laundry room with a washer and a dryer included.

It's about 4 blocks away from here.

It's not the greatest, but, it will be better than what we have right now.  We plan to stay there for at least two years, and then see where we're sent next.  (Please bless it's a house of our own.) (Or in Celebration!)

I've paid for a cleaning lady to come help me deep clean this place next Monday.  I wanted Saturday but they were already booked up.  So I thought, "Well, I don't work Sunday so I can get up early Monday and take Lance to work and then drive over to our old apartment."


We're moving this Saturday, so I asked to work Sunday instead. I forgot about this until after booking the cleaning.  So yeah. that will be wonderful.  I'll get to bed at 4am, and get up at 5:15am.  Hooray!  I'll drive Lance to work, getting him there by 6am, then I guess I'll go back to our new apartment and hang out from 6:30 until 7:45.  Maybe I'll sleep for that hour and 15 minutes, if Lily will, that is.  Then I'll come back here to our old apartment to clean for 5 hours with a stranger. And then I'll take Lily to get some lunch, and then we'll take a nap.  I hope Lily will nap. She hasn't been wanting to lately.

And then the apartment complex will probably charge us $200 anyway because they're butt holes like that.  (That's what San Moritz did to us when we left Utah.)

I don't want to end on a sour note like that.  I'm at a really happy place right now, I'm just a little stressed out thinking about how next Monday will go.  I'm sure everything will be fine.

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