Monday, April 6, 2015

Goal Update - March

Monthly Enrichment night
I went to the Enrichment night in March. I didn't really like the activity idea.  And that's OK. I don't expect to like it every month.  I honestly didn't want to go, but I went just for the social aspect.

I didn't have the best time.  I sat by someone I love, Gisella. She is so great!  When I first sat down, we started chatting. Isn't that what you should be allowed to do when you get to enrichment night? Apparently not. The person in the front was like, "Listen up, this is important."

Why are you talking about something "important" before Enrichment even starts?  That's what I wanna know. I'm here to socialize.

And the ruder me: Excuuuuse me for being at home with a toddler all day and then confined to my office all night with no visits from friends or family. I'm sure you know exactly how that feels.

The activity was to bring a pair of shoes and tell the story behind the shoes.  I don't get sentimental about shoes. I love shoes, sure. I used to have over 40 pairs!  But when I moved from Midvale, UT to Raleigh, NC I got rid of all but my five favorite pairs. And I only have added a couple more pairs of shoes since then. None of them have a story other than, "I liked them."

I wasn't going to "present" anything, but I felt pressured and obligated. So I got up, and said some embarrassing things like:

"I'll just tell about the shoes I'm wearing (I was wearing royal blue flats). They're my newest shoes.  I used to have around 40 pairs of shoes but I got rid of all but 5 when I moved across the country, and then moved here.  I recently went to the store looking for a new pair of black heels. The ones I liked were sold out of my size, of course, so I settled on these and another pair of shoes.  I went in looking for black heels and came out with hot pink heels and royal blue flats."

I just feel lame because everyone else had these great stories about their temple shoes, or shoes they came to America in, shoes their step-son chose for their wedding, etc.

As for the positives: The food was good, and I sat by my friend.

Seriously though, I don't go to enrichment night so people can get to know me. I go so I can get to know people. Come on!

Yes, I see the irony in that.

I just like to sit in the back and observe. Being put on the spot like that, after not being allowed to chat with my friend was very upsetting.

Am I offended? No. In fact I'm over it, and I only remembered it just now as I was typing this post. I'm sure I'll go again. But yeah, I did not have a very good time this month.

Cook dinner 3 times a week
I'm doing great! The interesting thing about cooking more is that I also clean more. Probably out of obligation.

52 Week Money Saving Challenge
We do this in cash (don't break into our house and rob us, please), and we were a dollar short, but we just got a little cash back the other day and put that missing dollar in there.

Monthly date night
We didn't go this month.  But, we went on a weekend getaway to Jacksonville! That's kind of the same thing, except Lily was with us the whole time.

Weekly crafts with Lily
I'm totally failing at this one.  I have been doing activities with her, just not crafts.  Some days we go outside and draw on the sidewalk with chalk. Some days she helps me cook things. Some days we go swimming. We went to Animal Kingdom once. Tomorrow we are going to Typhoon Lagoon, but that doesn't count for March...

Clean something (in my house) every day
I'm doing pretty good at this. Right now my house is a mess. I'm pretty much an all or nothing person. Either my house is a disaster from top to bottom, or spotless from top to bottom. There is no in between. I can't clean just one thing. I just can't. I've tried.

The thing that works the best is to set a timer for 20 minutes and just do what I can.  Generally the twenty minutes is up and I'm so involved in what I'm cleaning that I keep going. If I don't finish something in that 20 minutes, I get really anxious.

Someone please help me and my insane mind.

Remember friends' and family members' birthdays
In March was Lance's brother Mike's birthday, and Lance's dad Jerry's birthday.  I haven't sent Mike his card yet. Jerry passed away a few years ago, so we talked about Jerry a lot on his birthday, and I told Lily stories about Jerry.

I told Lily that if Jerry were alive he would let her watch all the Mickey Mouse she wanted, and he'd let her sit on his lap for as long as she wanted. He would hold her hand and go for walks. He would listen to her stories. He would dance with her. He would laugh and and enjoy the silly things she does.

I miss Jerry so much.

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