Thursday, February 19, 2009

Life Improvements

Gosh today is so beautiful outside! It almost looks like spring! Only 30 days until spring! I am so ready for warm weather!

Lately I've been trying to do 2 things better than I have in the past. One is that I've been trying not to say anything about anyone, unless I would be OK with that being said about me. It's given me a different perspective to think about. I'm sure I've been talked about in a negative way, and if I found out about it, I would probably be devastated, and I don't want to make anyone feel that way. Granted, I can't take back all the things I've said in the past, but maybe if I do this for long enough my gossiping past can be forgiven (and forgotten).

The other thing I'm trying to do better is to not get so frustrated at other drivers. I get so upset when I get cut off, or tailgated, or if someone doesn't keep a consistent speed (cruise control is almost impossible in Utah). The solution? I imagine the other drivers as family members, rather than just "the red audi" or "the old people." Thinking about them as someone's son, someone's daughter, someone's grandma gives me more patience with them, and I can laugh at their terrible driving rather than get upset.

Something Lance and I need to work on together is spending money. Actually, I think I can say that we are extremely good with our money... but both of us got our hours cut at work. Lance is no longer allowed overtime, and I am only getting 35 hours a week (rather than 40). Overall it's about a $800 loss per month. That is seriously a lot of money. I did the math (took our new monthly income and subtracted our bills) and well... let's just say it doesn't add up. So we've got to make some cuts. This is going to be a huge test of my faith in tithing, but I'm sure everything will be ok as long as I keep that faith strong.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to let you know that Eric and I went through something similar when he quit his job at flowserve. Seriously, I think tithing is the ONLY reason we made it throught it. :) I'm sure you guys will be fine and maybe we should go on cheap double dates together!
