Sunday, March 1, 2009

Time Flies

This week has been quite interesting.

My work sent me, and my co-workers Betty and Laura, to a Women's Conference in Salt Lake on Thursday and Friday. It was so awesome! I learned so many helpful things for my work and personal life. I've already put to use some things with great results. I will be making Powerpoint slides at work this next week to share this useful information with the rest of the company. One thing I found extremely interesting was personality profiling. I now know how to talk to anyone in a pleasing way to them, using their personality type. It's very interesting stuff. Overall the seminar boosted my confidence in everything and gave me some useful tips and ideas.

Larry H Miller's funeral was yesterady. Lance, his dad and I went to it. The prophet, Thomas S Monson was there, as well as the first and second counselors. We also saw many Jazz players, past and present. It was very moving. Larry was a good man who did many good things for this state.

My nephews Brayden and Connor slept over last night. They are so cute! Connor just wanted to play with Abbi (my kitty) but she was not interested in that. They slept in our little loft in my scrapbooking room. They were pretty excited to sleep up there.

Spring is getting even closer! I can't wait to break out my shorts and my swim suit! Speaking of swim suit, Lance's company provided us with Orem Rec Center passes. I'm pretty excited. Now we can go swim whenever we want! I haven't been swimming in over a year, sad huh? Sierra and I are definitely going swimming when we go to Vegas next month. Less than 7 weeks until we go!

I have had so far, a total of two ballroom rehearsals for the alumni perfomance in May. The dance is so stinkin sweet!! It's kind of a hip hop-cha cha to a version of Poker Face by Lady Gaga. Very funky and, dare I say "fresh?" After the first rehearsal my poor quads were so terribly sore. Now my neck is sore. Go figure that one out! I haven't danced in so long that my neck is out of shape? That doesn't make much sense, eh? It's so much fun though. I need to find some sort of community ballroom class, just so I can keep dancing. It's definitely something I love and have a passion for. I don't ever expect to be a pro or "the best" but, if you love it, why not do it as often as you can?

20 days until spring! Keep your heads up!

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