Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Stones of Yellow

I wonder why Yellowstone is called Yellowstone... there really aren't any yellow stones there. There's yellow bacteria (along with red, orange, green and blue), but no yellow stones. Hmm... I'll have to look into that.

So, my family went on yet another trip to Yellowstone. I love going on trips with the entire family. It's a great way to connect with eachother. Granted, most of the time we end up wanting to ring each other's necks at one point, but that's part of the fun, in't it?

The drive up was nice and long. We had to stop every couple of hours for my baby to go potty outside (don't want to mess up the potty training!). She did such a great job. We also stopped at Bear Word, which is super expensive, but it was a lot of fun! We got to drive through and see animals up close. And there was a petting zoo afterward. My dad pet this grumpy pig that snarled at him a lot. It was kinda freaky. I was expecting it to jump up and do some kung foo type moves at any second! It was so ugly, seriously. All the pictures we took are on Lance's phone, so maybe I'll update this post with the photos later on.

The first night we didn't do much. We set up our tents and made a fire. I played scrabble with Eric, Kate and Elise... and I totally sucked it up. I'm so bad at that game. Kate won. We also all went on a walk. We were going to go to the lake, but stopped about halfway there because we all lost interest. It was a lovely walk though.

The weather was better than I thought it would be. It was cool, but not super cold. It poured like crazy when we were in Gardner! Lance and I bought T-shirts there. They were having a mega sale, and I got a super cute shirt for $10! Lance's was only $7! We saw 4 bears, all in one day, too. Pretty exciting! Last time we went, we didn't see any bears. Maybe they came out more this time because we went earlier in the year, and it was cooler.

Oh, and I have started a snow globe collection. So far I have a snowglobe from Disneyland, Disneyworld, Bear World and Yellowstone. I want to get them from all the places I vacation too. Kinda silly, I know. But they take up less space than the bears I used to collect!

Lance is still itching to go on more trips... I guess we are always itching to go on trips. He really wants to go to Cleveland, OH to Cedar Point. It's this huge theme park that has 16 roller coasters! That's just the roller coasters, they have the other non-roller coaster rides as well.

I think it sounds like a lot of fun, but a bit expensive to do it spur of the moment like most of our other trips. I think we need to save and go next summer... we'll see. We already are itching to go to Vegas again. We saw Harry Potter 5 on Fremont Street while we were on our honeymoon, so he wants to go down there to the same theater to see Harry Potter 6. It's silly how we justify things, isn't it? But now, instead of it just being the routine, quick Vegas trip we're thinking about taking a few days off and going to Disneyland as well. We're trying to talk people into going with us... we'll see how it goes. It's great fun going with just Lance, but we've done that twice already in the last year, and we think it would be fun to go with another couple. Right now the plan is to leave Wednesday, July 15 and drive to Los Angeles, spend Thursday and Friday at Disneyland, drive to Vegas on Saturday and see the movie/do other touristy things, then drive home Sunday. But plans change, and I'm sure this one will change too.

Happy Wednesday!

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