Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fun With Learning

The things Lily does will never get old.

We have foam letters and numbers in the bath, and she's doing an excellent job learning them!  It's so fun watching her learn and discover. I like how I, T, and H are all "I" and the letter "P" and the color pink are both, "pink."

I've tried teaching her colors, but the only one that has stuck so far is pink.  I don't think it's her favorite, I just think she wears it the most often so she hears it the most. It's also the easiest for her to pronounce.

I put some glow sticks in her bath today, and we talked about those colors. She loved it!

I may have wanted to jump in too. It just looks like fun. :)  Glow sticks in the swimming pool, anyone?

She liked her glow sticks so much, she wanted them to join her during her nap.

Yesterday, I told Lily we would go swimming today, but it's raining. So hopefully this makes up for my broken promise.

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