Monday, January 19, 2015

Lily and the Ant Hill

Lily is a big helper. She loves to help me with anything she can.

For the past few weeks she has been helping me take the doggies for walks. Usually she will hold on to Bentley's leash while I hold on to Layla's. She's really good at staying with Bentley, and staying a pretty good distance away when Bentley goes number two. She lets me pick up the doo doo (with a doggy bag, of course), and then we go on our way. We go over to the doggy doo trash can, or "bahbidge", as Lily calls it, then we walk for a little while longer before going back home. It's a nice little routine. 

Today we changed the routine slightly and went to the pond to see the ducks for a little while before going over to a different doggy doo trash can. This trash can has a couple of ant hills in the grass, and I never thought to warn Lily about them. Well, today she decided to barrel right through one. I didn't notice until she came over to me and whined a little, and pointed at her foot and said, "ouch!"

I of course freaked out. I ran her over to the road, ripped off her shoe, and frantically brushed all the tons of ants off her foot. She had several welts. 

I got the rest of the ants off her shoe and then told her we should go home, wash up, and have lunch. 

I got one ant bite during all of this. It's not super painful but it does itch and sting.  Lily must be made of stronger material than I am if she can handle a foot full of bites with nothing more than a small whine! It's the wasp stings all over again! Although, I wasn't as crazy and frantic this time as I was with the wasp stings, because I'm not terrified of ants like I am of wasps.

After we took the dogs home, I decided to walk back over to the anthill with Lily and observe the angry ants. And also to tell Lily not to step on mounds of sand in the grass. I showed her the other anthills in the area and hopefully now she knows to leave them alone. 


  1. Gideon did that in South Carolina, but the ants were so hard to brush off. I had to scoop him up and run back to the apartment and put him in the tub to drown them all! Yucky ant hills! I later stood in a trail of them by the pool, without realizing it, luckily I could just jump back in the pool. Those bites don't feel good!

  2. Ohhh poor baby. That little girl is such a rockstar.
