Thursday, March 12, 2015


I get really insecure when I give someone a sincere compliment and they don't respond.

I think that's really rude of the other party.  But it also makes my mind go crazy and wish I'd never complimented them in the first place.

And now I have hidden this certain someone on Facebook, because I can't take seeing their posts.

And no, this is not the first time they've personally offended me.

One time I was having a conversation with them, and while I was in the middle of telling them something, they stopped listening to me, and started texting on their phone.  So I just stopped talking in the middle of a sentence.

They didn't notice.

The end.


  1. sometimes we're really similar. it makes me really insecure when people don't respond to compliments, or else they act like i'm being dumb...

  2. Ouch. They are not worth you time if they are texting while you are talking to them. (PS I really hope this wasn't me. I get easily distracted but I hope I've never been that rude.)

    1. Naw, it wasn't you. It's someone I don't know very well so I'm already uncomfortable around them. Because of that, when they do things like this, it really upsets me.
