Monday, February 21, 2011

This Week

First of all, I want to apologize for my negativity yesterday.  Every once in a while I get depressed.  Don't we all?  Those were things I have been feeling for a while, but when I heard that Lance's family wasn't coming with us to Disneyworld but they were planning their own Disneyland trip it set me off.  So, there you go.  I can't pretend that I'm always happy.  This is me.  This is my blog.  Sometimes I'm not happy.  So there you go.

Today:  Happy President's (or is it Presidents') Day!  I am a lucky banana and I got the day off.  I don't think I've ever had this day off.  I mean, I work "in politics" but I don't get this day off.  Lance is at work.  That's OK though, because he's hourly and needs the hours.  But, I wish I had a car so I could run errands.  Oh well.  So the plan?  I slept in and it was LOVELY!  Then I ate some breakfast.  And now I'm waiting for it to settle for a little bit and then I will do INSANITY!  This will be my third time.  I'm excited, but a little nervous.  The weight loss competition I'm in is going well, for me, I think.  I've lost 3 pounds.  Doesn't sound like much, but I'm proud.  Especially since that was just from changing my diet, and quitting Dr. Pepper.  That's right, I haven't had Dr. Pepper in almost a month!  It finally is easier to not order it at restaurants.  I think about the calories, sugar, carbs, caffeine and other non-healthy things that are in it and happily drink my water or lemonade.

Tuesday: I'm getting my hair done.  I thought I wanted to change it up and do this coloring technique (ignore the Katie haircut), with my current red on the bottom, and beige blonde on top....  but I'm not so sure.  I saw a picture of me with my "fresh" red hair (it fades so fast) and decided that this color really does look good on me.  So I'm not sure if I should change it or not.  Also, if I decide I don't like it, it takes a long time to get the blonde to stay reddish, like three dyes or so.  So I don't know.  *sigh* Decisions, decisions.  I want to be both red and blonde, but I don't want highlights.

I don't really have anything else going on this week.  The Jazz are on Allstar break, so we don't have any games.  I might go visiting teaching, but I'm waiting for Linda to make the appointments (we take turns, it's my turn to do the lesson).

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