I had my review at work a couple days ago, and it went really well! I was feeling a little iffy about my position in the company, and I started to feel like I wasn't really worth anything, and talking to Dana made me feel a little more valuable. We came up with some goals for me, so I now have a renewed drive and determination to accomplish those goals. I finally got some PTO...I'm pretty excited about that. I'm not going to pretend that everything is perfect though. Our economy is struggling, and we are all feeling it. My company isn't getting as much work as it's used to, so we're on a pay freeze. I hope the country can get out of this slump soon, but I'm sure it will get worse before it gets better.
Lance's work came up with a plan to shut down the entire company, two days a month. Lance can either not get paid for those days, or use vacation. The problem with using vacation is that Lance only accrews 6 hours of PTO per month, and he would be using 16. So he would be losing 10 hours of PTO each month. So, we are just going to take them without pay for now, and see how we do. We are just a couple hundred dollars from finally having the Hyundai paid off, and that will help out a lot.
On the brighter side, it's Strawberry Days this week! I love Strawberry Days! It's also my friend/co-worker's bachelorette party, on Friday. We are gong to Los Hermanos, and then to a club to dance it up. It will be a blast! The parade is on Saturday, and so is my nephew's birthday party. Connor is such a cutie! I can't believe he'll be 7! I remember when Lance and I just started liking eachother, Lance took me to the hospital to meet his sister, Laura, and new born baby, Connor. So Connor's age is the same as how long Lance and I have been together. It's kinda cool... at least I think so.
Father's Day is Sunday! I love my dad very much, and hope he has a great Father's Day.
One last thought... since it's technically not SUMMER until next week, stop complaining about the rain! It's supposed to rain in spring! Ok that's all. :)