Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome Layla!

We have a new dog!  Her name is Layla.  Actually, it used to be Franny, then it was changed to Lela (Lee-la), and we changed it to Layla.  Poor confused thing!

She is a three month old, spayed, Border Terrier - Chihuahua mix with tan furr.  Very sweet and cuddly when you hold her, but loves to play when she's on the ground.  She is perfect for Bentley.  Bentley is very competitive and territorial, but Layla doesn't care.  So that's good.

Potty training stinks.  Layla is doing a good job, but she struggles with going number 1 and number 2 the first time she goes outside.  A few times, she has done one outside, and I wait and wait and wait for her to do the other (but she won't...), so we come inside.  As soon as we come inside, she'll do the other.  It's quite frustrating.  Today it was poo outside and pee inside.  Blagh!  I guess that's better than the other way around.  I think she doesn't like to be outside in the cold for long, so she wants to do her business where it's warm.  Who knows.  But we're working on it!

Bentley loves us.  She'll do anything we ask her to, and always always always will come to you when you call her.  Layla cares more about Bentley than she does about us.  This might be due to her not understanding what the heck we're saying to her yet.  But still... even when Bentley was a baby she would come to us.  Layla runs the other way.  Lol!  It's quite silly.

It's fun to watch them play together, and sleep together.  ♥


  1. Her name was Franny? Are you serious?
    That poor puppy...

  2. Ok, that's too weird! Tim's cousin had a baby just yesterday and her name is Layla, so I totally thought you somehow knew when I read the title to this post! lol Strange coincidence!
