Tuesday, April 24, 2007


MySpace.com Blogs - JenJo MySpace Blog

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Here's the dealio...
Lance and I got engaged on December 25, 2006. 
That same night, I called my grandparents on both sides. 
My dad's parents are in Alaska.
So are 2 of his sisters, Melody and Annette.
So is one of my married cousins, Stephanie.
We have this family webpage at www.keelefam.com where we posted the news and everything.  Here are some responses...mind you, these are from my FAMILY MEMBERS!
Aunt Melody:
"Give our regrets to Jennifer and Lance but Tom and I will be unable to attend the wedding. If just us came there would not be anyone to leave the kids with and we can't affort to bring everyone out ,especially in summer during tourist season when airline fares are most expensive."
Melody is currently in Nashville, Tennesse on a "girls trip" with 2 of my other aunts.  Hmm...expensive air fares, eh?
Grandma Keele:
I am so sorry to have to inform you that it is almost impossible for Grandpa and me to get out of Alaska in July.  That is the busiest season for Alaska.  Mostly it is already booked clear thru August and September...but we are going to try to come out middle of or last part of Nov. and stay for a couple of months.  60 days is all we are allowed with the state medical programs both of us have.
Hmm... My mom later found out that Grandpa has a fishing trip planned for July.  Wow... I must be super important.
Also Grandma Keele, concerning a funeral held in Idaho:
"One disadvantage of living in Alaska is we can't be where we would like to be at a moments notice."
You know what that tells me?  They really just don't want to come.  Because I gave them 6 MONTHS notice... but oh no, they can't come.
Cousin Steph:
"I will already have taken all the time off work that I can for the year...I still debated trying to fit in a trip to Utah for your wedding during those weeks off, but that can only happen if I have the baby way late!! So I really do hate to add to the list of "Sorry I can't come"s, but I don't see how I could do it."
Stephanie's is actually sincere... but it still sucks.  She had her wedding out here a few years ago and EVERYONE came, so basically I feel...unimportant.

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