Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rock My Face Off

I went to a show last night... it was really good! Eric/Jared's band, Quido played, along with Bring the Night, The Making Of, and The Trademark. It was a really good show. It pretty much rocked my face off. I think the Trademark is going to make it real big someday. They are so amazing, I don't understand why they're not all over the radio yet.

The lead sing for The Making Of had a super cute haircut! I would LOVE to cut my hair like hers, but seriously, I don't think I could pull it off as sexy as she did. I tried to find a picture but I can't. Basically it's a really short pixie, with super cute bangs. I was supposed to get my hair cut on Tuesday, but Kellyanne (the lovely gal that does my hair (Lance's cousin)) wasn't feeling too well so we rescheduled for this Saturday. I want to change my hair up a bit, but I'm not sure how much I want to change it. Aggh, decisions decisions.

So, Jordan Mikesell is the choreographer of our dance, and he has been video recording our rehearsals. He put up a couple videos of us dancing our alumni number on YouTube. It's pretty freaking embarrassing, so I'm not sharing the link with you. Let's just say I'm a slow learner, and I make funny faces when I'm trying to get the footwork down. Not to mention the fact that I'm about 4 years behind with technique from the least talented person dancing with us. Yea... I'm that bad. And, the only person who I actually knew going in to this whole thing, dropped out. So there I am, with a bunch of people who I don't know, trying to dance and looking like a fool. I honestly don't know if I can go through with it.

That's pretty much all I have to say.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, jealous. Mum wouldn't let me got because it was a school night. Pshhh, as if school is THAT important. (JK)
