Saturday, July 4, 2009

BIG News

Because I changed the background and colors of my blog to be all holiday-colored, I don't really feel the need to comment on what day it is today. Other than the comment I just made.

Yesterday was quite eventful. I woke up and got the urge to visit my fam-fam up in Santaquin canyon. We spent from about noon until 5:00pm up there. After that we changed clothes and went to University Ave to visit Sierra and her fam while they were camping out for the parade. That was fun! We played Scattegories, and ate pizza. It was a good time. As Paula said, "It's not very often that you get to sleep in the streets!" Well put Paula, well put. We should totally sleep in the streets more often.

I have some newsvthat I've shared with a few people already, but here it goes to the world (or to those of you who actually read this...).

Lance and I are thinking about moving to Florida. (You thought I was preggers, didn't you?!) Anyway, housing there is way cheaper than it is here, and while we love our house very much, the cuts both our jobs have been making, has made paying all our bills extremely hard. Right now it's just an idea (one that we've both been looking in to on a daily basis). Lance is looking at jobs there right now, but he hasn't really applied for any. We haven't yet put our house up for sale. I have, however, found many houses in some great cities in which I would LOVE to live (Cape Coral, Kissimme). I found one the other day for $99K!! It's bank owned, but I don't see any problem in buying a bank owned house, as long as it meets my requirements! Buying a $99K house would cut our house payments in HALF, and make it so I might not have to work. And when we get to the point where I no longer have to work, we'll have kids. So everything might fall into place.... and I might have other news for you then. ☺

Happy Fourth of July (I HAD to say it....)!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome, Jenn! Good luck with FL. We were looking to move to AZ (same idea on the house market). Only problem is Matt couldn't find ANY jobs. So I hope FL works out better than AZ :)
