Saturday, May 21, 2011


I have an addiction to music and I've had this addiction for as long as I can remember.  I never thought it was a bad thing before last Sunday.

A brother in the ward gave a talk about listening to uplifting music, and it really sunk in.  On the surface I thought that maybe listening to certain music didn't have much of an effect on my life, but in my heart I felt that I should try changing what music I listen to.

While I don't plan to completely stop listening to all of my favorite hip hop and hard rock songs (yes, I love both types of music), at work I've been listening to mostly or only classical music.  And the results?  More patience with co-workers.  More patience with clients.  I feel the spirit more on a daily basis.  I feel more desire to read scriptures.  I argue less with Lance.  I look forward to Sunday instead of having that anxious feeling in my stomach.  Yes, Sundays used to make me anxious.  More so lately because my teaching partner moved and they haven't replaced her yet...  12 kids, one teacher.  Thankfully one of the children's parents has been helping me a lot.  She even offered to do the lesson last week!

Anyway... music.  It affects more than I thought.  I'm not saying classical music is the only type of "good" music there is... it's just the extreme opposite to the degrading stuff I usually listen to.  Yes, I'll admit what I listen to is degrading.  But the rhythms are so catchy, and I love to dance!

So, below are some of my favorite classical songs.  Number one would be Palladio.  So if you listen to one of these songs, pick that one!

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  1. mine and elise's only radio station: classical 89.1
    it's the best. :)

  2. :) When I do Datawise work, I always have Pandora on playing classical, movie music, or opera. Helps me focus and keeps me sane!
