Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You'll Find Yours

It's not OK.

I'm independent and I don't need my family.  Until now. 

At this time in my life when I need them the most, that's when they're leaving?  It's a joke that isn't very funny.

Poor Emilee.  She's not doing so well either.  I know how she feels.  We moved when I was 12, almost 13.  I felt like my world was being torn apart.  I felt like I would never be happy again.

I went from having a close group of 12 friends to 0.  I had no friends.  I was often alone.  I cried a lot. I used to eat lunch in the girls' bathroom to avoid asking random people if I could sit with them, or to avoid sitting at a random table and being stared at.  I couldn't find my way around school and I had to ask people for help.

Eventually I met Jeehie Sung.  A cute, tiny Korean girl who was always smiling and happy.  She sat next to me in French class.  She introduced me to a group of people who were pretty nice.  I got invited to a birthday party and I didn't want to go.  My mom made me. I cried, I threw a tantrum, I didn't have a real birthday present.  I went. And I had my real first conversaion with Sierra.

Sierra is the only friend I kept out of this group of new friends.  We just get eachother.  We just had this... connection (for lack of a better word) the first time we had a conversation.  It was as if we were always friends.

So, Emilee.... what I'm saying is... moving is hard, extremely hard.  It's sad.  It's scary.  It feels like your whole world is being torn apart.  But eventually you'll find your Sierra.

In other news, Jared comes home in 22.5 hours. I am so excited!

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