Friday, January 22, 2010

Hair School

I had a good day at work today.  Normally I get to leave early on Fridays, but today was really busy... so I left late.  But it was ok.  I'll take all the hours I can get.

Lance has in interview on Monday.  Wish him luck... if you want! :-)

I know every year I say this... but I really want to go to hair school.  The one I want to go to now accepts financial aid.  So I just need to apply for financial aid, however you go about doing that.........  maybe I will get more money with an unemployed husband!  I don't know how it works.  I wasn't pushed as a child to grow up and go to college.  On one hand I am thankful for that.  I didn't need that pressure growing up.  On the other hand, I feel like an uneducated loser.  Hair school won't really make me smart, but at least I'd get to learn more about stuff I am already interested in!  Hair, skin, nails and makeup.  It's stuff I deal with every day, why not make it a career?

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