Sunday, August 18, 2013

New Calling

I've been working really hard on my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ over the last few months. I still have a long way to go, but I'm ready for a calling.
I'm the new Raleigh 2nd Ward Primary Secretary!
I'm really excited.
I went to primary today and even though every calling I've had in the past has been in primary I have no idea how things are run behind the scenes. What little I did know is completely different here.
For example, as a primary teacher, one of my responsibilities was to take roll for my class each Sunday and turn it into the secretary. Here the secretary takes roll for the entire primary. I bet that takes away any stress of having a teacher forget.
As a primary teacher, assignments for opening exercises was my class's responsibility once a month or less. I asked for volunteers, and I'd give them slips of paper to take to their parents. I'd also call them the Saturday before and remind them. Here the secretary makes the assignments depending on who hasn't done something in a while and is hopeful that they come the following Sunday. The secretary also plans a backup scripture and talk in case the children forget or are absent.
I want to do the best I can with everything, but I think the first thing I need to do is learn the kids' names...

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