Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Time in the Hospital

Yeup. I've never been a patient before.  I've never worn one of those fancy gowns before. The first time I had my blood drawn was when I had to at the beginning of my pregnancy.

So yes, this was exciting.

I had a routine doctor appointment yesterday.  I peed on a stick and got my blood pressure taken. You know, the usual.  Two different people had to take my blood pressure, because they said it was being funny.

Then the doctor comes in and asks how I've been feeling.  I just showed her my feet.  She was shocked!  She started feeling them, and, I can't remember what it's called, but when you press on it, the indentation stays.  So, then we talked about how my blood pressure was high and I had protein in my urine, so they wanted me to go to the second floor (the labor and delivery floor) and be monitored for about an hour.  She said it was too many fishy things to ignore.  She also said that instead of seeing me in two weeks, she wants to see me in 1 week.  I also need to take a 24 hour urine test.  She also suggested me being put on partial bed rest, so I need to speak with my employers about working from home from now on.

If my condition doesn't improve, I have to be put on full bed rest.

I'm only 33 weeks pregnant!  I can't have problems like this for 7 weeks, can I?  My doctor doesn't think so.  She doesn't think I'll last until 40 weeks.  So baby Lily might be here sooner than later!

We finished the visit with my questions and concerns, and then I was off to the second floor.  I didn't really know what to expect.

They put me in room 203, had me change into a fancy gown, and pee in a cup.

Then my nurse told me that they wanted the urine straight from my bladder, via catheter.  That was a little painful.  And awkward.

They had a monitor on the baby, to hear Lily's heartbeat.  She moved a lot, so we had to adjust it several times.

They had a monitor on the top of my uterus, to monitor any contractions I might have.

They had a blood pressure cuff on my arm, taking my blood pressure every 15 minutes.

And a nice lady came in and took some of my blood.

I swear the nurse was in there the entire time asking me a million questions.

Then all of my results came back from the lab and they said I was looking good, and that I just needed to take it easier than I have been.

I thought I was already taking it easy.

All in all, I'm actually grateful for this experience because now when I am really in labor, I won't be so unfamiliar with the environment.  I got to ask questions about what will be monitored during labor, if I'll be able to get up and walk around, take a bath, etc.  (I'm still planning to go epidural free, at least until I cannot handle it any more.)

Also, seeing the little baby cart made me excited.

I wished for Lily to come early, but not 7 weeks early.  Hang in there for 3.5 more weeks baby!


  1. Prepare yourself, Jenn.
    That little girl of yours is already proving to be a drama queen. (:

  2. Crazy! I'm glad everything looks alright. 3.5 more weeks sounds just about perfect! :)

  3. Take it easy! I was on bedrest the first part of my pregnancy and I am trying to take it easy until I hit 37 weeks. Bed rest is not fun but taking it easier and trying to avoid it will be worth it! I found your blog through a friend and you are due one day after me. I have enjoyed reading about your pregnancy and the differences we have had. I hope that you don't think that I am a creep or anything. I am also going to be a first time mom. If you would like me to stop reading I will. I understand. I hope that your stresstests go well and that you and your baby will be ok. Jessica

  4. You can do it! I know you can! I was placed on bed rest at 20 weeks with what you're dealing with. It's a serious problem so you just listen to your doctors and it'll all turn out just fine. You follow my blog so odds are you know mine came early due to toxemia and the first affair... But he's here happy and healthy and now 10! We may be strangers, but through blogging know so much of each others lives that I want you to know if you need any support or help of any kind you just let me know and I'm here for you. From what I gather we don't live to far from each other. My personal e-mail ...even if you just need some one to chat with that's been there and gets it. You'll be in my prayers.
