Saturday, March 10, 2012

Little Update

I've had contractions pretty much constantly since Wednesday.  They're mildly painful today, but nothing to cry about.  It's more like an extreme pressure feeling than anything else.

Last night was the first time I was woken up by contractions.  They were pretty bad, but still nothing so bad I felt like it was time to go.

Lost my mucus plug last night.  I was happy about that.  Something I can see that shows I'm progressing.

Contractions have been a steady 5 minutes apart all day today.  We went to the mall and walked and walked and walked, but they're still not painful enough to where I feel like it's time to go to the hospital.

So, now I'm just waiting for them to get painful, or for my water to break......

Parenting lesson number 1: Patience.  Things don't always happen on your time.

I've had two contractions during the time it took me to type up this post.  Still 5 minutes, still just a little achey.

Please, please, please come soon Lily.  I can't wait to meet you!

Here's a gem from Lance:

"Ugh, why can't she just come already?  I just want to know what she looks like.  ...Then we can put her back!"


  1. Good Luck!!!
    "Then we can put her back..." too funny.....

  2. She's coming! And really, the more slow labor you get in here at the beginning, the better off you'll be when the real thing hits! With any luck, you'll be good and prepped and just fly through childbirth! ;)
