Wednesday, July 23, 2014


By the way, I went to Utah for a few days for a work meeting.

I had every intention on taking pictures with my long lost family members.

But that didn't happen.

These are the pictures I took:

Flying over the gulf, towards the sun made the water look like liquid gold. The picture did not translate, but it was really quite lovely.

It was a lovely day, and the clouds looked so fluffy and soft. I would love to wrap up in a cloud and take a nap right now...

"Hey Lily, is it nap time?"

"I need dis. Eeeeh. Da da Stuck! *cries*

"Is it time for a nap?"

"Eh. I like the colors." (Showing me her toy from Arby's.)  "Bee Gee Gee Gee" (pointing at the letters on my keyboard)

I guess it's not time for a nap yet.

Anyway. I enjoy flying. Flying is relaxing.  At least, it's relaxing when I'm flying by myself.

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