Tuesday, May 15, 2012

2 1/2 Months

Well friends, things are going pretty good right now.

Lily consistently sleeps for 8 hours each night.  Some nights she sleeps for 9 to 10.  Either way, when she wakes up, I feed her, and she goes back to sleep for another two hours.  That sure is nice!  My problem is, when she zonks out at 10pm, I want my alone time, so I don't go to bed until midnight. Then she gets up at 6am and I feed her, and I go back to bed when she does.  If I slept 10pm to 6am with her, I'd be ready for the day at 6am, and I could get a lot done before I started working.  But, yeah, I'm too lazy to do that.

Balancing work and a baby is very difficult.  I must admit I have ignored her cries many times, just so I can hurry up and finish what I'm working on.  And when I say cry, I mean, she's screaming her head off because she has already given me 10 minutes of quieter "warning" cries.  I feel horrible every time, but sometimes I really need to finish what I'm in the middle of, or I will forget what I was doing and then my tables will be a big wreck.

It's quite stressful sometimes.

Other times, the day goes wonderfully.  I'm free enough that I can feed her right when she tells me she needs to be fed.  And today, lucky me, she is taking a nap!  That is so rare. I'm stoked.  I'll try not to expect it tomorrow though...

Nursing in the Moby wrap is wonderful.  Nursing is wonderful.  Being a mom is wonderful.

It seemed magical, when all of a sudden she could empty me after nursing for only 10 minutes.  It's also nice to not have to stop working during that 10 minutes, just two or three while I get her tied to me.

My house is a disaster.  Most days I don't get dressed or shower.  I will not blame these on being a mother.  Like I stated earlier, if I went to bed at 10, and got up at 6, I could clean and shower while Lily was sleeping from 6:30am to 9am.  But also, like I stated earlier, I'm too lazy.

I stopped doing Insanity.  Gaining two pounds was not very motivating.  However, I am down four pounds, since gaining that two pounds... Basically, I need to lose 30 pounds to get back to pre-pregnancy weight.  That is so much.  I know where it all is, too. It's all in my thighs.  I swear I'll never be able to wear any of my designer jeans ever again.  What a waste of money.  Jeans that I wore when I was 6 months pregnant, still don't fit me now.  I'm fatter now than I was when I was six months pregnant?!  That is so messed up. I want to start a club called "I was cuter when I was pregnant."  I wonder if it already is a club....

Anyhow, Lily is great.  She really likes getting a lot of attention.  She's not very content just playing by herself for too long.  She loves it when you talk to her, and she tries to talk back.  Lance has this game where he says to her, "ahh, ahh, ahh" and she'll smile and jabber something back at him.  Lance has some pretty cute videos of it.  There are times when she's semi-crying, but "talking" at the same time.  So I say, "Lily, are you telling Daddy how bad your day with Mommy was today?"  It really sounds like she's just telling him how terrible everything is.

Last night I think she started to discover her feet.  She was sitting on my lap and she just stared at her feet for a long time.  She's not quite sure about those things yet.  I should break out the foot rattles that my friend Tenille got us.  Maybe Lily will get a kick out of that.

She got her shots last Friday.  That was sad.  She was a champ until four hours after she got the shots.  She just started screaming in pain.  It was the saddest thing ever.  We hurried and gave her some Tylenol, and she fell asleep, but was whimpering in her sleep.  Poor thing.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are going much better for you! I'm so glad. I want to see pictures of Lily, by the way.
