Friday, February 14, 2014

Flowers Die But...

Flowers, chocolates... they're nice and all.  But the key to my heart lies in makeup.

I, honestly, am not a huge fan of Valentine's Day.  It's cute seeing all the hearts and pink and red everywhere, but if Lance didn't get my anything I would not care.

I'm actually upset that Valentine's was on Friday this year.  Friday is the only night we have together that we can go out on the town. 

Tonight, everyone else in the entire state was out on the town, so traffic was a nightmare, trying to eat somewhere was a nightmare.

So, we ended up driving around the Orlando/St. Cloud area for about 45 minutes before settling on Dairy Queen.

Oh yeah baby!

Usually we eat somewhere sit down on Fridays, but we weren't willing to wait 90 minutes, or more.

Seriously, Chilli's told me it would be 90 minutes.

Yeah, no thanks.

Anyway... Lance did surprise me today!  I woke up to this beauty:

It smells like chocolate.

The colors are beautiful.

If he had gotten me chocolates and flowers, they'd both be long gone before this beauty is even showing signs of use.

I am a happy girl!!

I wish there would be more TV commercials prompting men to buy their women makeup rather than chocolate, jewelry, and flowers.

But I am probably the minority.

Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope you were able the celebrate in ways that make you happy.

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