Saturday, January 10, 2009

Alcohol Free Hangovers

Seriously, I'm just bored.

So here's my new hair! You can't really tell in this lighting though. Oh well.

I don't feel well. I slept way too long yesterday. Long story about that, lemme share!

I leave for work at 6:20am to get there by 7. Well, yesterday, a truck decided to get himself jack-knived right after point of the mountain. It was blocking all the lanes except for the carpool lane. Yeha... so it took me 50 minutes to get from Lehi (right before the point of the mountain) to the Bangeter Highway exit. I don't exit there.. but that's about where this gay truck was. OMG it sucked! Ok, so I worked and work was dandy, and then on my way home, guess what happened? THE EXACT SAME THING!!! This time it was in Lehi though. So it took me 45 minutes to get past that one. How freaking retarded is that? At the time I thought it was funny, and I was extremely patient, but I was so tired when I got home that I took a 3 hour nap. I woke up and watched TV for maybe an hour and then went back to bed. So I slept from 9pm to 11 am, plus my 3 hour nap. So that's 17 hours of sleep. Now I feel hungover, only, without alcohol. It's bad.

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