Monday, January 19, 2009


So Saturday we saw Mall Cop. It was cute but kinda cheesy. And Red Lobster = super delicious. And I don't even like fish... haha tricksy, huh? Actually I just got chicken. It was so stinkin good!

Lunch today is a Yoplait strawberry yogurt. It's the last of my pack of 8. I used to love these things, but today and last week I pretty much had to gag them down. "Stop eating them," you say? Well I don't drink enough milk in my life. I hate the stuff...unless it's with cereal and I don't eat cereal very often. So... to prevent having frail bones when I get older, I eat yogurt. I think I'm going to try Yoplait light from now on. Maybe I will like that better.

Great news! I haven't bitten my nails since... well the week before Christmas so that's....4 weeks now, ish? Two of them broke a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't had any breaks since. At least, not yet. They always break. But, I did cut them and paint them yesterday, so they should be good. I bit so much off the sides of my nails that it is going to take forever for them to grow out. I don't really know how to explain, but I trimmed them so they are short, but they are growing in a square shape instead of the funky shapes they used to be because the sides were so short. On another note, that means 11 months until Christmas! Get excited. Haha just playing.

I started Wii Fit again yesterday! More good news: I lost 2 pounds since I last used it. Go figure. Losing 2 pounds through the holidays. Sounds more like losing the muscle and gaining more fat, hence losing weight. No worries though. By Spring I want a nice toned tummy and bum for the vacations I'm taking (Vegas, cruise...). I think I will need more than Wii Fit though so I'm thinking about purchasing some pilates videos. I dunno, we'll see.

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