Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ramblings of a Bored Lady

Have you ever wanted to write a blog, but didn't really have anything to write about?

Heck, I could write about what I'm doing right now, I guess. I'm just finishing up my lunch, actually. It started out delicious with cauliflower, carrots and a ranch dip, and some salsa. Carrots in salsa is good! I was alternating dipping the carrots in ranch and then in salsa, so on and so forth. Then I'd eat some cauliflower in the ranch. I was going to try cauliflower in salsa but... then I realized that the cauliflower was moldy...and that ruined that real fast. The carrots are fine... but every once in a while, oh say one in three carrots, would taste rancid. I don't know what's up with that. So, I broke out my back-up lunch of Ritz crackers. Lucky my salsa isn't going rotten. Ritz 'n Salsa. MmmMmmMm! Seriously, they taste super good together. You've gotta try it! And I have water. Water... so perfect, so refreshing, so pure.

This week has been interesting thus far. Lance's car decided to die this weekend, so Lance had a co-worker take him to work on Monday and I picked him up, and I drove him to work on Tuesday and a co-worker took him home. Lance feels so bad making people go out of their way, but what he doesn't realize is that people are happy to do it, because we love him. Yes we do!

So it's been snowing like craz-ay this week. Icky icky poo poo. The only thing worse than snow is driving in snow. I take that back. The only thing worse than snow, is OTHER people driving in snow. I'm telling you, most of the accidents on ice are caused by people that don't know what the heck they are doing, so they go 30mph (or slower) and if their gap of .5 mile between the car in front of them gets slightly smaller they slam on their brakes. Oh yes, it's not a tap on the brakes, it is a full blown SLAM. This sudden braking, either causes them to slide (dun dun dun) or causes the person behind them (who is 6 car lengths behind them) to suddenly brake as well, and slide into them, or into the next lane, or into the median, etc etc.

There are a couple of extremes in snow driving.
One is the person I described above who drives super slow and leaves tons of space, and hits the brake any chance they can. Bad idea.
The other is the person who drives 60-70mph, tailgates, and gets mad the the people driving slow, and slams on their brakes. Usually this person is in a truck or other SUV. Come on, you all know it's true!

What's the thing in common with the 2 above? Brakes. Slamming on your brakes is never a good idea. So just don't do it. That's all I have to say about that.

I got my hair did last night. It's pretty hawt. It's dark, dark, dark red-brown, and blonde. I like it a lot. And the blonde isn't gross dull blonde, it's super sparkly. It looks like glitter in the sun. It's amazing! Maybe I'll post a picture later on. ☺

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