Sunday, February 20, 2011

Excuse Me For a Moment

While I feel sorry for myself.

We  always try to include everyone (meaning our family and friends) whenever we plan something, so it really hurts when our family and friends don't include us.  It makes me feel like they don't really like me, they just tolerate me.  It also makes me feel like Lance and I aren't really a part of either of our families.  I'm not sure how it makes Lance feel.  Maybe he doesn't take it as personally as I do.

Last Saturday....
Jessica: "Are you guys coming over for dinner tomorrow?"
Jenn: "I'm not sure..."
Mom: "Are you inviting them, Jessica?"
Jessica: "Well, yeah..."
Katie: "What time?"
Jessica: "What time do you get out of church?"
Katie: "Noon."
Jenn: "Two."
Jessica: "We'll eat at one o'clock, I think."

Thanks Jessica.  That was nice of you to invite us to dinner and then set it at a time we couldn't be there.  And thanks to my mom for not trying to make us feel included by pushing it back an hour.

That's just one example.  But it happens a lot, on both sides of the family.

Lance's family is now planning their third Disneyland vacation without us.  This one, unlike the last two, we were actually invited to (thanks Nicole).  But, we already made plans to go to Disneyworld in April.  Oh, don't you fret, of course we invited them all.  I understand that they can't afford it.  But at the same time, it's just ridiculous that they keep going without us.

My solution?  Not invite anyone to anything anymore.  Stop trying.  If I don't try, it won't hurt, right?


  1. Lets be friends. I feel this way a lot too. But I think (at least in my case) the people involved are more thoughtless than spiteful. They don't think how we'll feel, and I take it so personally, assuming they intentionally excluded me.
    The best thing to do? Stop caring. Easier said than done, right?

  2. Oh, Jenn! I am so sorry!
    Now that I think of it, we do that to you a lot.
    We are terrible!

  3. We get this a lot with Brandon's family as well. We'll double check plans and they'll reassure us they won't be coming down for a family event and then last minute we find out they have been down all day. I'm sorry!
