Thursday, February 24, 2011

Insanity Day 4: Cardio Recovery

I wish I had something good to say, but I don't.  My alarm went off, and I slowly dragged myself out of bed, walked across the bedroom, went out the door, and into the hallway where I keep my phone.

(How else do you think I get out of bed before the sun comes up?)

I turned my alarm off.  My dogs were already downstairs, waiting for me to let them outside.  So I walked down the stairs, across the living room, and into the kitchen where our back doors are, and let them out.  I stood there, in the darkness, thinking about the workout to come.  Then realized I was in no condition to put my body through anything intense today.  My throat was sore.  My nose was stuffy. My body ached from head to toe.

I let my dogs back inside, and they followed me across the living room, up the stairs, down the hall and back into our bedroom.  I laid back down and immediately fell back asleep.  For an hour and a half.

Now do I do Cardio Recovery tonight?  Do I do Cardio Recovery tomorrow?  Or do I skip Cardio Recovery and move on to Pure Cardio tomorrow?

I vote doing Cardio Revocery tonight, if my body tells me it's OK.

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