Saturday, May 18, 2013

Me + Electronics =

I'm trying to be better about saying my prayers. So, last night as I was kneeling down in the dark, I knelt right on to my Nook Color!

Of course it made me upset. It also made me not want to pray. So I sat there wondering why bad things happen to good people. Then I prayed anyway. And after my prayer, I checked the screen again, hoping for a miracle. Nope, no miracle.

For the record, I keep the Nook on my nightstand. Lily must have played with it or something.

So now I don't know what to do. How much will it be to get it fixed? Would it be worth it? Should I just buy a new one? If I do can they transfer all my Harry Potter books, and my scriptures, and my other books, and my games to the new device? If I don't repair it or replace it, can I get all my stuff off of it and on my computer somehow?

Why am I so bad with electronics?

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