Monday, March 17, 2014

Focus T25 - Week 4

Day 22 - Monday | Cardio

I'm sick. *cough cough*

You're probably thinking, "Boo, you whore."

(For any who may not be aware, that was a movie reference.)

But really, I'm sick.  I feel like I'm sick enough that working out would not be helpful or beneficial at this point.

Day 23 - Tuesday | Total Body Circuit

Still sick.

Day 24 - Wednesday | Lower Focus

Still sick.

Day 25 - Thursday | Total Body Circuit

Still sick, however, I did Mondays' workout, Cardio, today.  I'm feeling well enough that I think exercise might help me heal rather than make things worse.

I had these great plans of doing Monday's and Tuesday's workouts today, but I'm really not feeling so great after doing Cardio.  I have back tracked.  Or maybe I did it wrong.  I went with the regular moves as long as I could, then switched to modified, until I just stopped and drank water. Then repeated that cycle for each circuit in the video.

Honestly, I will probably repeat this week.  I have only one week left of the Alpha round, and I'd rather not start the Beta round at less than my best.

Taking three extra days off from working out seriously sucks.  I have been taking Lily on walks, so I haven't been completely comatose. Ok, comatose is the wrong word.  But that's what I'd like to be.  Anyway, walking is nothing compared to T25. And I'm of the belief that walking does nothing for my physical fitness level.

Unless of course I walk 20 miles uphill in snow and ice.  That might do something.

On the bright side, my appetite has calmed the freak down.  I haven't been eating much the past few days, so maybe the scale will have actually gone the desired direction.

Day 26 - Friday | Ab Intervals & Speed 1.0

Blegh! Why don't I feel better yet?!  I just barely did Speed 1.0, and I think I did a great job. This is the easiest workout for me, but I did have to take extra breaks today.

I'm planning to do Ab Intervals later today, but, I need a nap. I got off work at 3am last night. Then after getting ready for bed, washing my face, reading scriptures and saying my prayers I went to bed around 4 this morning.  Then I woke up several times in the night with coughing fits.

 I just want a nap.

Day 27 - STATurday

Uh, I forgot to weigh myself on Saturday. But when I weighed myself on Monday morning I was down 1 lb from starting weight.  I'm not sure it was accurate, because that would mean that I lost 2.2 lbs last week.  I suppose it's possible, since I was sick. But it's kind of lame that getting sick causes me to lose weight and exercising causes me to gain weight.

Not to self - if you're trying to lose weight, go into the nursery class and ask all the kids to lick you and breathe on you.

Disclosure: I didn't go into nursery and I was not licked or breathed on by all the children.

While losing weight is something I'm probably more focused on than I should be, I would like to be more fit. I would like to not have so much jiggle. And hot dang, I'd like to look good in shorts.

One word: cankles.

Good news though!  The husband says the chest area has shrunk.  He may or may not be happy about that, but I sure am happy.  Something to show for my hard work! Except, I probably won't show you.

Day 28 - Sunday | Stretch

No stretching today.

I am for sure repeating Week 4.

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