Saturday, March 5, 2011

Insanity Day 13: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Let's just say I completely failed Pure Cardio today.  I went through the warm-up twice with my Reeboks on, then when I went to take my Reeboks off and put my Pumas on, I stopped the video and went straight to Cardio Abs.

Saturday AM workouts are harder for me.  I think it's because I sleep in.  But no matter what it is, I'm really fatigued today.  This could be due to me skipping Cardio Recovery this week, so my body is a little bit over-worked.

Note to self: Do not skip any more workouts.  It's OK to be a day behind the calendar schedule.

Cardio Abs is kind of easy, but also hard.  In retrospect it was easy.  But while doing it, it is hard.  There are no sit ups or crunches.  Instead you go into what Shaun calls "the c-sit position."  It looks like this:

If I'm in the position correctly, I immediately begin to feel the burn.  So doing any sort of extra effort really worked me.  After the C-sit position, you do some exercises in low plank and high plank.  Those are hard for me because my arms are dead from yesterday.

Tomorrow I get to rest, and then Monday is another fit test so I can track my progress!   I know you're all dying to see how much I've improved from my last fit test.

1 comment:

  1. Just need to let you know that I changed the web address to my blog. I was hoping after I changed it that I would be able to forward from the old address to the new one....but I can't figure it out....So sorry, if you want to, you'll need to bookmark the page again with the new address. (I'm having to contact everyone individually) I'm brilliant like that... :-)

    New Address:
